Rex the Thai Husky Pariah Dog Village Dog Story

(Rex the Two Continent Dog explores the Arizona Desert in the photos on this page.)

Rex’s Story is the Story of a Jungle Pariah Dog

A Pariah Dog, often referred to as a Village Dog, is not a dog that those of you in Western Europe or North America have much if any experience with. These are, in fact, the most numerous category of Canis familiaris on the planet. Nonetheless, those of you in North America and Western Europe probably have no idea about that. You are used to artificially created breeds that have been born to dogs that have spent their entire life living with humans. They all are housed by humans, fed by humans, given vaccinations by humans, wear collars placed on them by humans they live with leashes, fences, commercial dog food, etc..

This is not how it is in the World…it’s far from it.

Here’s how it really is.

I have had Rex’s DNA analyzed and I will make a video detailing the results, so stay tuned

Rex is a Tactical Dog

Trained for Tactical Tracking in All Terrains
Very Tactical Descent
Not all dogs can do these tactical terrains